Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Public library blogs

Technorati -
I expected it would be initially easier to find blogs about libraries, but found lots of rubbish. Using the search field with "public library blogs" as a term, I found some public library blog videos:
This led me to the "Plain Talk" blog of Des Plaines Public Library which started with an artcile about librarian myths. While this is interesting and amusing, and sorry to harp on this topic, but these people must have plenty of time on their hands to keep the blog up to date and keep it interesting.
I looked at several other blogs, see below:

Rambling with a Librarian article/ 23354/ rambling-with-a-librarian.h…

Ivan Chew's inspiring classroom lecture Ivan noticed the symetry to the thing before I did ... . It was during a tour of the Jurang Public Library where he worked at the time. I told ... , the Rambling Librarian.

1 day ago in Original Signal - Transmitting Marketing · Authority: 50

I can't see myself spending time doing this in the future. I've done this searching in my own time at home - impossible at work. Most of what I have read on the blogs, I don't need to know - too much garbage for the brain. How about the Slow Movement?? darn - I just looked at their site and they have a forum - but much calmer looking than any of the blogs.
At home I'd rather be walking the dog, walking alone, gardening, reading, cooking, talking to friends on the phone, visiting my daughter, watching movies, going OUT- shall I go on?
At work I am on the reference desk more than half the week, process interlibrary loans, make signs, remove signs, help other staff, shelve books, answer phones, prepare new brochures ...keep the wiki up to date (the one I made at home because there's no time at work) -
Give me a room alone in the library, a computer and a day a week to do all this and I'll be laughing!
Despite all this, I have been actually enjoying doing the training and I think it's important to know about it all, even if I choose not to spend my time this way.

First blog

I am looking forward to understanding more about all of this. I have taught myself to create a wiki, painstakingly, and we now use this in the library for access to material used by staff. It has been very time-consuming creating the wiki and keeping it up to date. So...although I can see the usefulness of blogs for creating a relationship with our customers, I can see the time required being prohibitive, given our current level of staffing. Within the library, now that staff are familiar with the wiki, I think blogging would be a useful way to have a continuing dialogue about topics that arise on a daily basis. So far, this training seems like a pretty painless way to learn new things and move ourselves forward, and I will be encouraging everyone to have a go.

The concept of "lifelong learning" seems so widespread now that it's hard to imagine that not everyone would want to engage in it. Just on the weekend I was helping my mother (in her seventies) to open an eBay account, and it seemed like a totally normal thing to be doing - but maybe just a few years ago it would have seemed quite unusual. She's always sending me emails with jokes from her friends - mostly corny ones, but it is certainly a sign of the times!